Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Random Ramblings

Crappy internet and power outages or blackouts spell trouble for a daily blogger such as myself. These are major obstacles for me during these past few days. And add the smoldering heat of the drought we have this summer, the constant crying and tantrums of my son and the constant nagging of my parents, equal hell for me. I really have don't want to make my blog site a place for my rants, my ramblings but I just hate the fact that I can't do anything about these things and having the chance to spill my outrage and ill feelings gives me relief somehow since I don't have my husband to tell my problems to or my friends to call on. It's really pathetic of me, I know but still, if you happen to read this, it means you have nothing better to do or you share my pain and or think that you are better than me and are grateful that what I am experiencing is not happening to you. Well, good for you then.

Anyway, that is how it is for me living in the province of Nueva Ecija in the country of the Philippines. I'd like to say sorry to my followers for having to endure my absence from blogging but unlike other countries that have good wireless internet connection and no regular blackouts, I am just unlucky. I wish I was in another country at this moment, away from the heat, the hard to please parents and the nasty internet and electric service. Then add the corrupt government officials, the hospitals that don't pay for even allowances for the nurse trainees, the lack of any kind of paying job, and the absence of your support persons - nothing can convince me and my son to stay here. I really wish I could go away and live independently and be well supported and truly very happy. Oh how I really wish for that day to come soon.

1 comment:

  1. I do feel for you and do not look down on you. I agree that it will get better, I hope
